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The Aberdeen strain (cultivar) is a 75% sativa-dominant hybrid known for improving mood and decreasing chronic pain. Aberdeen is a cross between Orange Velvet and Jack the Ripper cannabis varieties developed by MzJill and TGA Subcool. Another strain, Agent Orange, is produced by the same hybridization. However, the two are different in looks and phytochemistry and can be considered different strains.

Aberdeen has a moderate THC content at 15%-17% with negligible amounts of CBD. Although the strain is low in THC, users report it is very potent and should be consumed in moderation. Aberdeen has been said to help manage anxiety, PTSD, depression, and cramps.

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Strain types

  • 25%Indica
  • 75%Sativa


  • Citrus
  • Diesel
  • Blue Cheese


  • Chemical
  • Menthol


  • Menthol

  • Humulene

  • Beta-Caryophyllene

  • Terpinolene



Aberdeens has been reported to have the following effects:

  • Energetic
  • Creativity
  • Relaxing
  • Appetite-Inducing

The following adverse effects have also been reported:

  • Hallucinations
  • Dry Eyes
  • Paranoia
  • Dry Mouth

People who have used Aberdeen report experiencing a number of positive effects, as well as some adverse effects.

Medical Applications

Although no scientific studies have been published specifically on the Aberdeen strain, users report it as helpful for treating a variety of physical and mental health conditions.
closeup of marijuana bud
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)

THC can help beat nausea and cramps, while CBD may help regulate mood, and both cannabinoids have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects when used together.

Organ Systems

  • Reproductive
Muscle Spasms

A combination of THC and CBD can help reduce the frequency and intensity of muscle spasms and any related neuropathic pain.

Organ Systems

  • Brain & Nervous System
  • Muscular
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBDs)

Cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids demonstrate significant anti-inflammatory activity and may provide relief from IBD, IBS, and any associated stress and anxiety experienced by people living with these conditions.

Organ Systems

  • Digestive

Cannabinoids like CBD can help modulate serotonin transmission, giving it anti-depressant and anxiolytic effects.

Organ Systems

  • Brain & Nervous System
anxiety and panic disorders

Cannabis contains many anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) compounds that can beat stress and reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol.

Organ Systems

  • Brain & Nervous System



Aberdeen seeds have never been released by the parent company, Aphria, which only sells dried flowers and extracts. Aphria considers all information on the growing conditions of Aberdeen to be proprietary and has not published any details. Therefore, the following advice is on growing similar strains, including Agent Orange and parent strains Orange Velvet and Jack the Ripper.

Aberdeen prefers a slightly cooler temperature than other strains, at around 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Ventilation is necessary, as all closely related strains are vulnerable to mold in high humidity and low airflow conditions.

Due to the lack of information, training, and ventilation requirements, this strain is not recommended for first-time growers.

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The height of Aberdeen’s parent and sister strains can vary dramatically, with Agent Orange reaching up to 10 feet when grown outdoors. However, as Aberdeen has been bred to be cultivated indoors, it is likely best topped or trained using the “sea of green” method, through which the young, flexible stems are trained to grow horizontally. This method can expect to reach heights of around 2 feet.

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Humidity and Temperature

No specific information is available on the humidity preferred by Aberdeen. An average humidity of 50 percent is well tolerated by related strains and is least likely to cause damage to the plants. However, this may not be the optimal humidity, and growers may wish to experiment.

Due to potential mold issues, it may be advisable to perform some defoliation to maintain proper airflow and humidity. Water should be applied only to the plants’ soil and not to the plants themselves.

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Aberdeen’s parent strains and Agent Orange all flower at around eight to 10 weeks when grown inside (October when grown outside), and Aberdeen can be expected to do the same. No information is available on whether Aberdeen is an auto-flowering variety.

Aberdeen produces deep olive green buds with fiery orange or red pistils and amber trichomes.

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10th Planet

THC 17%-20%CBD 0.56%-0.87%

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12 Year OG

THC 17%

closeup of marijuana nug


THC 24%CBD 0.5%