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Shark Shock

Shark Shock, also known as Great White Shark and Peacemaker, is an indica-dominant strain of cannabis with THC levels between 12% and 21%. Shantibaba developed the strain (cultivar) while working at Greenhouse Seeds in the 1990s by crossing parent plants White Widow with Skunk #1. Shark Shock may be useful for managing chronic pain, nausea, stress, anxiety, and depression.

The strain is approximately 80% indica and 20% sativa and has been reported as producing rapid and intense cerebral highs that sometimes turn euphoric, followed by physical relaxation. The scent has been described as sweet, skunky, and citrus-like, and a fruity taste with sweet, skunky, pungent, earthy, fruity, and citrus-like flavors.

Some users also describe it as garlicky. Shark Shock has won numerous awards, including the High Times Cannabis Cup (Bio) award in 1997.

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Strain types

  • 80%Indica
  • 20%Sativa


  • Sweet
  • Citrus
  • Skunk


  • Skunk
  • Pungent
  • Garlic
  • Citrus
  • Fruity
  • Sweet
  • Earthy


The dominant terpenes in Shark Shock are myrcene and phellandrene. Myrcene is well known in the brewing industry due to its presence in hops, and it confers some of the musky, earthy aroma and flavor to Shark Shock and other cannabis strains.

Myrcene also contributes to the later sedating effects of Shark Shock. Phellandrene is less well-studied than myrcene but may have medicinal properties due to its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects. Phellandrene is also naturally found in eucalyptus trees and is sometimes added to fragrances to create a pleasant woody scent.

  • Phellandrene

  • Linalool

  • Myrcene

  • Limonene

  • Beta-Caryophyllene



Shark Shocks has been reported to have the following effects:

  • Sleepy
  • Calming
  • Euphoria
  • Hunger

The following adverse effects have also been reported:

  • Dry Eyes
  • Dizziness
  • Dry Mouth
  • Headache

Dry mouth and dry eyes are common adverse effects among cannabis users, including users of Shark Shock. Fortunately, these effects are not serious and can be remedied by drinking plenty of fluids and eye drops if necessary.

Some users of Shark Shock have also reported experiencing increased heart rate and dizziness. This could be partly due to the effects of the THC on receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS) that regulate blood pressure and is more likely to occur with higher doses. Ways to mitigate these effects include lowering your dose, staying hydrated, and not standing up too quickly from sitting or lying, which can lead to blood suddenly draining from your head.

Some Shark Shock users have reported that it can cause headaches and migraines.  These are sometimes known as rebound headaches, which can happen as the effects of Shark Shock start to wear off.

These headaches are more likely to happen among people who have been overmedicating to try to treat migraines. Ways to mitigate such headaches include avoiding overuse and staying hydrated. Some people dealing with migraines and rebound headaches have found that switching to edibles instead of smoking cannabis can help.

Medical Applications

Shark Shock is often considered one of the best medicinal strains of cannabis available. Despite its name, Shark Shock is often used to help reduce anxiety and stress and to help people with insomnia get a good night’s rest.
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THC can increase the release of the sleep neurotransmitter adenosine.

Organ Systems

  • Mental / Emotional
  • Brain & Nervous System

Cannabis is full of anti-inflammatory compounds, including cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids.

Organ Systems

  • Immune System
  • Other
Muscle Spasms

A combination of THC and CBD may help manage spasticity.

Organ Systems

  • Brain & Nervous System
  • Muscular
Anxiety, Panic Disorders

Cannabinoids like THC, CBD, and CBC can be used to manage anxiety, as they can modulate serotonin transmission. Cannabis also contains many relaxing, stress-busting terpenes like pinene and linalool.

Organ Systems

  • Brain & Nervous System
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

People with PTSD have also reported that using Shark Shock has helped them get their symptoms under control so that they can live more normal lives again.

Organ Systems

  • Mental / Emotional



Shark Shock has been reported to flower in seven weeks when grown indoors, with a yield of around 17-21 ounces per square meter or approximately 400-600 grams per square meter.

When grown outdoors, it should be ready for harvest between late September and early October, with yields of 16-18 ounces per plant, which is about 450 to 510 grams per plant.

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Shark Shock grows up to 3.6 to 4 feet tall indoors (1.0-1.2 meters) and up to 8 feet outdoors (2.4 meters).

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Humidity and Temperature

Shark Shock has been reported to grow relatively well in colder climates outdoors.

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Shark Shock has been reported to flower in seven weeks when grown indoors, with a yield of around 17-21 ounces per square meter or approximately 400-600 grams per square meter.

When grown outdoors, it should be ready for harvest between late September and early October, with yields of 16-18 ounces per plant, which is about 450 to 510 grams per plant.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Shark Shock an indica or sativa?

Shark Shock is an indica-dominant hybrid strain of cannabis comprised of 80% indica and 20% sativa.

Although the terms “indica” and “sativa” are mostly meaningless when it comes to determining the actual chemical composition (i.e., its cannabinoids and terpenes) of a particular variety of cannabis, they can be helpful designations when it comes to growth patterns.

How does Shark Shock make you feel?

Users report that Shark Shock initially produces a rapid onset powerful cerebral high, later leading to a relaxing, euphoric, and all-encompassing body high, with some likening it to floating in a warm water bath (without a shark in it).

What’s Shark Shock good for?

Medicinally, Shark Shock has been reported as one of the best strains for those seeking relief from chronic pain or muscle spasms and insomniacs looking to get a good night’s rest. Recreationally, Shark Shock has been reported helpful for those looking to party and chill afterward.

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