Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality, and can include hallucinations (seeing and/or hearing things that aren’t really there) and/or delusional thinking – thinking and believing things that are not actually true. Psychosis is often associated with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders. Those suffering from bipolar disorder may also suffer from psychosis, especially during their “manic” or “up” phases. Those who are prone to psychosis or have a family history of psychosis should avoid using THC.
However, cannabis contains hundreds of different compounds, all with different effects. Cannabidiol (CBD), which can dampen THC’s psychoactive effects to some extent, may actually be a potential treatment for psychosis. This could be due to CBD’s effect on dopamine receptors (a partial agonist), which could have a “moderating effect on the altered pattern of brain activity in the prefrontal, mediotemporal and striatal areas in people with psychosis.”
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