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Cannabis for Neuroblastoma

Neuroblastoma is a rare type of cancer that typically affects babies and young children. There are around 700 to 800 new cases of neuroblastoma every year in the US.

Neuroblastomas usually occur in one of the adrenal glands situated above the kidneys, or in nerve tissue running alongside the spinal cord in the neck, chest, stomach or pelvis. Neuroblastoma can spread to other organs, such as bone marrow, lymph nodes, liver and skin. Symptoms include fatigue, pale skin, bone pain, bluish lumps on the skin,  bruising around the eyes, breathing problems and difficulty swallowing, a swollen and painful stomach, constipation, and difficulties walking.

One study has shown that both THC and CBD displayed anti-cancer activity in neuroblastoma cells in culture and in animals. More evidence is needed to prove cannabinoids’ efficacy in humans, but the results are promising.

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Animal Study


Clinical Meta-analysis


Laboratory Study




Total studies




27 studies



11 studies


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