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Cannabis for Allergy Treatment, and Allergies to Cannabis


Last updated on Oct 7, 2024

Created on Jan 4, 2022

Cannabis is a plant that contains hundreds of compounds. It is entirely possible to be allergic to it, just as it’s possible to be allergic to other plants or their pollen. It is possible to be allergic to a compound in cannabis that causes skin rashes and other similar skin problems (contact dermatitis).

As for using cannabis to treat allergies, it’s an intriguing idea, as allergies are often autoimmune responses where the body attacks an otherwise benign foreign substance. As cannabis can reduce inflammation and cytokine production, it is possible that cannabis can be used as a treatment for allergies.

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Research Overview

Clinical Trial




Total studies

Allergy Treatment, and Allergies to Cannabis



16 studies



6 studies



4 studies


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