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Get an Oklahoma Medical Card

See an OK-licensed medical marijuana doctor online in minutes and get the cannabis care you deserve.

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The key benefits of a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma

  • Access to dispensaries

    Having a medical card is the only way to legally purchase, use, and possess cannabis in the state of Oklahoma.

    Recreational use is illegal.

  • Cultivation

    Medical card holders can grow up to 12 plants, while non-card holders are not allowed to grow cannabis.

  • Higher possession

    Medical card holders can possess 3 oz of cannabis products.

    Non-card holders cannot legally possess cannabis products.

  • Lower age restriction

    Patients 18+ can qualify for a medical card.

    Minors can also apply for a medical card if they have an approved caregiver.

Trusted by 1 Million Monthly Users

Best Care, Best Value

Best Care, Best Value

We are the #1 medical card certification platform with the best value in your state.

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4.9 out of 5 stars

Patient support and satisfaction are at the heart of everything we do.

Be seen in under 10 mins

Be seen in under 10 mins

Our healthcare providers are available to see you from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 days a week.

Get your OK med card approved in minutes.
It’s quick, easy, and convenient.

How getting a medical marijuana card works for Oklahoma residents.

  1. step register

    1. Sign Up

    Register for a consultation for an Oklahoma medical marijuana card completely online. No appointment necessary.

  2. step doctor

    2. Meet Your Provider

    An Oklahoma medical marijuana doctor will see you as soon as you finish your application.

  3. step register

    3. Get Your Certification

    Your Oklahoma-licensed MMJ physician will immediately approve you for the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Program.

  4. step card

    4. Apply to OMMA

    Apply to the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority online and get your patient card in the mail within 14 business days if you’re approved.

A few more questions about the process?

Watch this video to learn more about getting a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma

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How much does an Oklahoma medical marijuana card cost?

Oklahoma medical marijuana patients save more with Leafwell. Get your money back if not approved.

label New with Leafwell Renewal with Leafwell
Medical marijuana certificate$59$59
State application fee$20-$100$20-$100
Apply Now

How to qualify for an mmj card in Oklahoma

To apply for a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma, you must be a legal resident of Oklahoma and provide proof of residency. Patients must be 18 to apply for a medical marijuana card for themselves. Oklahoma law does not include any qualifying conditions. This makes it one of the most lenient medical marijuana programs in the United States and may account for why one in 13 Oklahomans have a medical marijuana card. Instead, each medical marijuana doctor can issue certificates based on their judgment—much like they do when prescribing traditional medications.

If you’re not sure if your condition can be helped by medical marijuana, we recommend doing some research on our conditions page. If you feel that you could benefit from medical cannabis, book an appointment with one of our online medical marijuana doctors and speak with them about your condition and your research. Then, they can either approve or deny you based on their medical experience and your anecdotal evidence.

Convenient, Quality Care
When You Need It Most

With Leafwell, you'll be matched up with highly knowledgeable, empathetic, licensed medical marijuana doctors or providers.

health care providers

2 documents needed to apply for an Oklahoma medical marijuana card

You’ll need to provide the following to apply for a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma:

  1. Medical Marijuana Recommendation
    You will receive your Physician Recommendation Form once approved by a Leafwell provider online.
  2. Proof of Identity
    OK Driver’s License, OK State ID, OK Tribal ID or US Passport or other photo identification issued by the U.S government (e.g. Military ID) with Proof of Residency
Get Your Card

Next steps after approval

Congratulations on getting approved for your medical certification!

Per state regulations, you must complete the state application within 30 days. Failure to do so may result in additional fees.

Here’s a guide on exactly what you need to do next!

Before you start, have these supporting documents ready:

  • Leafwell Physician Recommendation Form
    • This must be dated within 30 days
    • If you want someone to get a caregiver’s license, the bottom section must be signed by the physician
  • Digital photo (plain, pale background, no glasses/hats, top of head and top of shoulders in shot, clear photo)
  • Proof of Identity (one document required)
    • Unexpired OK driver’s license or ID card – front and back, in color
    • U.S. passport
    • Tribal ID accepted by the Department of Public Safety
  • Proof of Residency (one document required)
    • OK driver’s license or ID card – front and back, in color
    • Utility bill for the calendar month before the application submission date (no cell phone or internet bills)
    • Residential property deed to an OK property
    • Current rental agreement for OK residential property
  • Optional – proof of Medicaid/Medicare/Disabled Veteran Status
  • Debit or Credit card for application fee (Visa, Mastercard or Discover)

Getting Your Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card

  1. Register an account for the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Program.
    1. Go to the OMMA licensing portal and click “Access portal” to apply for a license.
  2. Click “Sign up now” to create a new account.
    1. Enter a valid email address and click “Send verification code.
      1. Check your email for a verification code.
      2. Enter the code and click “Verify code.”
      3. Create a new password and enter your first and last name. Click Create.
  3. Click “Patient Portal” to start a NEW patient application.
  4. Click “Create a New Profile.
    1. Enter your legal name, then click “Save and Continue.”
    2. On the Patient Profile page, click “Select” next to your name.
  5. This brings you to the Dashboard. You can now select “Apply for a new license.”
    1. Find your application type and click “Select this Application.”
    2. The next page shows the Application Instructions and lists the required documentation. Review the information and click “Save and Continue.”
    3. Enter your personal information.
    4. Select your “Identity Document Type” and enter the requested information.
      1. Upload the front and back of your Proof of Identity.
    5. Upload a digital photograph for your patient ID card. Adjust photo as needed.
    6. Enter the information printed on your Leafwell Physician Recommendation Form.
      1. Please make sure the signature date is no more than 30 days from when you submit your application.
      2. Upload your Leafwell Physician Recommendation Form.
    7. If you are enrolled in Medicaid, Medicare, or have 100% Disabled Veterans status select “Yes” and upload supporting documentation.
    8. Complete the Attestations section.
    9. Review application. You can click “View All Pages” or “Next Page” to review the application information.
  6. Make Payment. You can review your fee breakdown and payment options on the payment page.
    1. Enter Payment Information.
    2. Fill in your card information, then click “Next.”
    3. Confirm your payment information is correct and click “Submit Payment.”
  7. The screen will display “Submitted” when you have completed the application submission. You can visit the dashboard to check your status and view your payments. You do NOT need to mail your application because it was submitted electronically. You will receive a submission confirmation and payment receipt via email.
  8. Once the application has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the OMMA.
    1. If approved, an approval letter with your license will be mailed via US Mail within 14 business days of the application submission date.
    2. If an application is incomplete, you will receive an email stating the reason(s). Log back into your account to make corrections
    3. If an application is denied because all requirements have not been met, a denial letter stating the reason(s) for denial will be mailed within 14 business days of submission.
  9. Purchase medical marijuana products from a licensed dispensary.
    1. Present your medical marijuana identification card and another form of identification any time you purchase medical marijuana at a dispensary or have marijuana taken to a processor to be concentrated.

Click here for a detailed step-by-step video!

OMMA recommends using Chrome, Edge, or Firefox as your browser. Please DO NOT use Internet Explorer.

Please note: You have 30 days from the date of your certification to complete the state application. Failure to do so may result in additional fees.

How to renew your OK medical marijuana card

It’s quick and easy to renew your Oklahoma medical marijuana card with Leafwell. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

  1. Sign in to your Leafwell account or register as a renewal patient.
  2. Speak to an Oklahoma-licensed physician online.
  3. Get approved and download your Physician Recommendation Form.
  4. Log into your OMMA account to submit your renewal application and application fee within 30 days.*
  5. After your application is submitted, you’ll receive an approval letter and a new license in the mail within 14 business days (usually within 2-5 days).

Per state regulations, you must complete the state renewal application within 30 days of receiving your Leafwell recommendation. Failure to do so may result in additional fees.

Next steps after renewal

After downloading your Leafwell doctor’s recommendation, you will need to complete your renewal with the state within 30 days.

Here’s a guide on what to do next.

Renewing Your Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card

  1. Go to the OMMA licensing portal and click “Access portal” to apply for a license renewal.
  2. Sign in with the same email address you used to create your OMMA account.
  3. Click “Patient Portal” to start your patient renewal.
    1. On the Patient Profile page, click “Select” next to your name.
  4. This brings you to the patient dashboard, click “Start Renewal.”
    1. The next page shows the Application Instructions and lists the required documentation. Review the information and click “Save and Continue.”
    2. Update your personal information as needed. The mailing address is where your patient ID card will be sent.
    3. Select your “Identity Document Type” and enter the requested information.
      1. Upload the front and back of your Proof of Identity.
    4. Upload a digital photograph for your patient ID card. Adjust photo as needed.
    5. Enter the information printed on your Leafwell Physician Recommendation Form.
      1. Please make sure the signature date is no more than 30 days from when you submit your application.
      2. Upload your Leafwell Physician Recommendation Form.
    6. If you are enrolled in Medicaid, Medicare, or have 100% Disabled Veterans status select “Yes” and upload supporting documentation.
    7. Complete Attestations section.
    8. Review application. You can click “View All Pages” or “Next Page” to review the application information.
  5. Make Payment. On the Payment page, you can review your fee breakdown and payment options.
    1. Enter Payment Information.
    2. Fill in your card information, then click “Next.”
    3. Confirm your payment information is correct and click “Submit Payment.”
  6. The screen will display “Submitted” when you have completed the renewal application submission. You can visit the dashboard to check your status and view your payments. You do NOT need to mail in your application because it was submitted electronically. You will receive a submission confirmation and payment receipt via email.
  7. Once the renewal application has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the OMMA.
    1. If approved, an approval letter with your license will be mailed via US Mail within 14 business days of the application submission date.
    2. If an application is incomplete, you will receive an email stating the reason(s). Log back into your account to make corrections.
    3. If an application is denied because all requirements have not been met, a denial letter stating the reason(s) for denial will be mailed within 14 business days of submission.

Click here for a detailed step-by-step video!

The OMMA recommends using Chrome, Edge or Firefox as your browser. Please DO NOT use Internet Explorer.

Please note: You have 30 days from the date of your certification to complete the state application. Failure to do so may result in additional fees.

Legal limitations for cardholders

  • Oklahoma’s medical marijuana program was established in 2019 with the passage of HB 26126. Medical cannabis patients can possess up to 8 ounces of cannabis at their residence, up to 3 ounces of cannabis on their person, up to 1 ounce of cannabis concentrate, and up to 72 ounces of edible marijuana.
  • Under Oklahoma medical marijuana law, patients with a card have the right to:
    • Enroll in school without rejection based only on cardholder status.
    • Rent an apartment without eviction or refusal based solely on patient status.
    • Work at their place of employment without discrimination for having a card or testing positive for marijuana.
    • Receive healthcare without disqualification merely due to the medical use of marijuana.
    • Visit or have custody of their child without denial based on patient status.
    • Hold a state-issued license without suspension on the sole basis of cardholder status.

However, an Oklahoma medical marijuana patient identification card does not necessarily give you the right to:

    • Use or possess marijuana at your place of employment without recourse.
    • Work, live, or learn somewhere that could face loss of a monetary or licensing benefit under federal law due to your patient status. Those in some federal jobs may find that their patient status clashes with federal laws. This exception also applies to those who require a commercial driver’s license.
    • Sell or distribute marijuana to others without a commercial medical cannabis license.
    • Own a firearm — many states prohibit those with a medical marijuana card from owning a weapon.
  • Recreational cannabis remains illegal.
  • Delta-8, delta-10, and other minor cannabinoids manufactured from hemp-derived CBD are permitted in the state under federal law.
  • Telemedicine is allowed for medical marijuana certification in Oklahoma. This means that you can use Leafwell to get certified online.

How to become a caregiver in Oklahoma

Caregiver licenses are available to family members or assistants who regularly look after a medical marijuana patient for whom they are applying to be a caregiver. It allows the caregiver to buy, transport, possess, and administer medical marijuana or medical marijuana products to licensed medical cannabis patients.

Minor patient information

Minors (anyone under 18) must have caregivers apply to the program on their behalf.

Minor medical marijuana patients will also require parent/legal guardian consent.

Can I use my Oklahoma medical cannabis card in other states?

Oklahoma supports an unusual form of reciprocity, allowing visiting licensed patients to access medical cannabis when in the state. According to state law, residents living in another state with a valid MMJ license in their home state may apply for a temporary license to “buy, use, and grow” medical marijuana from an Oklahoma dispensary.

The medical marijuana certificate and MMJ card will be valid for 30 days and cannot exceed the expiration of the out-of-state MMJ card. Visitors can renew their Oklahoma MMJ license every 30 days.

Several other states also practice medical marijuana reciprocity and will recognize an Oklahoma medical marijuana card. The following states will accept or recognize the out-of-state medical card of an Oklahoma resident:

  • Arizona
  • Arkansas *
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii *
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Michigan (at the dispensary’s discretion)
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey *
  • New Mexico
  • Oklahoma *
  • Puerto Rico
  • Rhode Island
  • U.S. Virgin Islands *
  • Utah * (up to two 21-day periods in a calendar year)
  • Washington, D.C.

*Visitors must complete a visiting patient application with the state program.


For more frequently asked questions about Oklahoma, click here.

How do I apply for the state program in Oklahoma?

After you speak with a Leafwell physician about cannabis treatment and get a certification that you qualify for medical cannabis, you need to register with the state program. As long as you have everything ready we'll go into this below), registering to use medical marijuana in Oklahoma will only take new patients a few minutes. Before you start, have these supporting documents ready:
  • Recommendation Form from a Leafwell Physician
    • This must be dated within 30 days
    • If you want someone to get a caregiver’s license, the bottom section must be signed by the physician
  • Digital photo (plain, pale background, no glasses/hats, top of head and top of shoulders in shot, clear photo)
  • Proof of Identity (one document required)
    • Unexpired OK driver’s license or ID card – front and back, in color
    • U.S. passport
    • Tribal ID accepted by the Department of Public Safety
  • Proof of Residency (one document required) OK driver’s license or ID card – front and back, in color
    • Utility bill for the calendar month before the application submission date (no cell phone or internet bills)
    • Residential property deed to an OK property
    • Current rental agreement for OK residential property
  • Optional – proof of Medicaid/Medicare/Disabled Veteran Status
  • Debit or Credit card for application fee (Visa, Mastercard or Discover)
Getting Your Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card
  1. Register with the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) using the licensing portal. Click "Access portal" to get started.
  2. Click "Sign up now" to create a new account, and then click "Patient Portal" to start a new patient application. Next, click "Create a New Profile," enter your name, and you’ll be brought to the Dashboard. You can now select "Apply for a new license."
  3. Find your application type and click "Select this Application." There will be application instructions and a list of required documentation on the next page for you to review.
  4. Complete the application by entering information and uploading documents as prompted.
  5. Review your application before paying the state application fee. Once your payment and application have been submitted, the screen will display "Submitted." You’ll also receive a submission confirmation and payment receipt via email.
  6. The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Program will review your application within 14 business days. If approved, an approval letter with your license will be mailed out. You will be notified if your application is incomplete or denied, at which point you can log into your state account to make corrections.
  7. Purchase medical marijuana products from a licensed dispensary. Present your medical marijuana identification card and another form of identification any time you purchase medical marijuana at a dispensary or have marijuana taken to a processor to be concentrated.
Click here for a detailed step-by-step video! OMMA recommends using Chrome, Edge, or Firefox as your browser. Please DO NOT use Internet Explorer.

Can I apply for my medical marijuana card online in Oklahoma?

Telemedicine for medical cannabis is legal in Oklahoma. Therefore Leafwell's services are accessible via telehealth in Oklahoma.

Can I renew my Oklahoma medical marijuana card online?

Yes, Leafwell can help you renew your medical marijuana certificate and card in Oklahoma. If you're a returning patient, all your information is stored in our HIPAA-compliant platform, and the process is quick and easy.

How often do I need to renew my Oklahoma medical marijuana card?

Oklahoma medical marijuana certificates are valid for two years and can be renewed online. We recommend renewing 14 days before your expiration date to avoid a lapse in coverage.

What are the medical marijuana laws in Oklahoma?

  • June 26, 2018 – voters legalized medical marijuana. The state then became the quickest ever to implement an effective medical cannabis law and started accepting applications two months later
  • September 24, 2018 – reduced the penalty for simple possession of marijuana to a fine, capped at $400 (previously it had been $1,200 and six months in jail
  • March, 2019 - possession limits were increased to up to 8 oz of marijuana at home, up to 3 oz on one's person, up to 1 oz of concentrated marijuana and up to 72 oz of edibles.

How hard is it to get a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma?

With Leafwell, it's easy to get a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma. Speak to one of our doctors online today!

Can I get a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma the same day?

No. It takes about two to three weeks to get a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma. To quote from the state website: "State law requires OMMA to process patient license applications within 14 business days of the date the applicant submits it. OMMA will send applicants an email after staff reviews the application. For approved applications, it takes one or two more business days to print the patient license identification card."

Can I own a gun if I have a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma protects the gun rights of medical marijuana patients. to quote: "A medical marijuana patient or caregiver licensee shall not be denied the right to own, purchase or possess a firearm, ammunition, or firearm accessories based solely on his or her status as a medical marijuana patient or caregiver licensee. No state or local agency, municipal or county governing authority shall restrict, revoke, suspend or otherwise infringe upon the right of a person to own, purchase or possess a firearm, ammunition, or firearm accessories or any related firearms license or certification based solely on their status as a medical marijuana patient or caregiver licensee." However, it's still federally illegal for an individual to own a gun and have a medical marijuana card at the same time. Oklahoma state law will not protect you from federal charges.

What is the daily limit for medical marijuana in Oklahoma?

Cardholders are allowed to purchase up to three ounces of marijuana flower at once from a dispensary.

Can I go to a dispensary before my card arrives in Oklahoma?

No, even if you've been approved for a patient license or a medical marijuana card renewal, you're unable to go to a dispensary without a physical card in your hand. For renewal patients, that's why it's critical to start the renewal process as early as you can since it takes 14 business days from when you complete the application process for your approval letter and new card to arrive. If you're a new patient, you'll still need to wait until your medical marijuana license arrives to shop at a dispensary. When you plan to shop at a dispensary, remember that you need your medical marijuana license and photo ID.

Can I have a medical marijuana card and a CDL in Oklahoma?

No. The Department of Transportation (DOT) has a strict policy regarding drugs and commercial driving licenses (CDLs). The use of any Schedule I substance, even state-legalized medical cannabis, is enough to disqualify a person from holding a CDL.

Is there a grace period for expired medical marijuana cards in Oklahoma?

Yes. Oklahoma medical marijuana cardholders can purchase cannabis using their existing card for up to 30 days after their renewal has been approved.