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What Is Delta-10 THC and Should You Use It?


Last updated on Oct 7, 2024

Created on Feb 23, 2023

a woman wearing eyeglasses, blowing smokes outside the mouth

With advances in cannabis research moving faster than ever, it’s sometimes hard to keep up with all the compounds offered by the therapeutic plant.

You may have heard of delta-9 THC and the recently isolated delta-8 THC – a cannabinoid similar to the THC we know and love, but far less potent.

Delta-10 THC is another naturally occurring minor cannabinoid found in marijuana. It can get you high like regular delta-9 THC, but is far less potent. Delta-10 also isn’t regulated on a federal level so you might wonder, is it safe for consumption?

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What Is Delta-10 THC? 

Delta-10 is a form of THC. It has the same chemical formula as regular THC, but its atoms are arranged differently, which causes different effects.

Unlike delta-9 THC, delta-10 appears in such low traces that it’s impossible to consume significant amounts from the cannabis plant itself. Most delta-10 products are synthetically manufactured. They’re crafted in a lab, refined extensively, and formulated into products like vape cartridges and gummies.

Like cannabinol (CBN), a cannabinoid known for it’s benefits on sleep, naturally-occurring delta-10 THC is thought to be a product of degraded delta-9 THC rather than a cannabinoid produced by the plant.

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Delta-10 THC vs. Delta-8 THC: Similarities and Differences

On a chemical level, delta-8 and delta-10 THC are quite similar, offering subtle, less potent therapeutic effects. Both are minor cannabinoids found in marijuana plants and are much scarcer than delta-9 THC.

Anecdotally, delta-10 is less potent than other cannabinoids. It’s said to produce a more energetic and less sedating experience than the euphoric experience delta-8 THC offers.

Many users prefer delta-10 products as there are fewer psychoactive effects (like anxiety and paranoia) compared to types of THC with a high concentration.

How Delta-10 THC Affects the Body

So far, little research has been conducted on how delta-10 interacts with the body. Like other cannabis compounds, delta-10 likely engages with our endocannabinoid system (ECS) and binds to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, nervous system, and other parts of the body.

Health Benefits and Uses

While research on delta-10 THC is lacking, early anecdotal evidence is promising. Here are some of the suggested health benefits of delta-10 and other cannabinoids.

Stress Relief

Delta-10 THC reportedly produces an uplifting and relaxing effect. It’s free from the intense euphoria (and potential paranoia) that other THC compounds can have.

The milder cannabinoid may be beneficial for mitigating stress, lifting low moods, and boosting energy.


Since delta-10 THC produces feelings of relaxation, it shouldn’t cause any anxiety or negative side effects than can come with strong delta-9 products. This makes delta-10 a good choice for soothing anxiety without feeling sedated.

Side Effects and Risks

Delta-10 can still produce euphoric effects, though it’s far less powerful than regular delta-9 THC. However, more research is needed on these compounds, and each individual’s unique ECS and tolerance levels will produce different results.

It’s essential to consume only high-quality, lab-tested delta-10 THC products. Some unscrupulous companies out there are happy to sell low-quality or low-potency delta-10; since the FDA does not regulate the compound, due diligence is needed.

It’s important to remember that as with delta-8 products, delta-10 THC is synthesized in a lab rather than taken from cannabis naturally. While this is not a definite cause for concern, be careful using synthetic versions of cannabinoids — at least until more research comes out and any potential adverse effects are fully understood.

How to Use

With responsibility and caution, delta-10 THC is used the same way any other cannabis or CBD product. Standard ingestion methods include:

  • Vaping
  • Smoking
  • Edibles
  • Topicals
  • Tinctures

Select an ingestion method that aligns with your health goals. If you’re new to cannabis, it may be best to start with a topical product rather than something fast-acting and more potent, like vaping.

You can speak to a Leafwell physician to determine the best methods for consuming delta-10 THC.

cannabis topicals

Dosing Guidelines

Proper dosing of cannabis depends on several important factors, including your tolerance levels and health goals.

It’s always a good idea to work with a doctor to determine specific dosage levels (especially if you’re a beginner), but these guidelines can help guide your delta-10 THC consumption:

  • Beginners: Start at a low dose of 5 mg or less, not exceeding 15 mg
  • Intermediate: Up to 20 mg
  • Advanced: Up to 40 mg

Ingestion methods should also be factored into dosing. A good rule of thumb is to start with lower doses of edibles and higher doses of topicals.

Delta-10 Alternatives

If delta-10 isn’t up your alley, there are lots of other hemp-derived compounds you can try. The most common is CBD, which you can get in all sorts of varieties including CBD oil, tinctures, edibles, capsules, and topicals.

If delta-10 THC isn’t quite powerful enough for your needs, delta-8 is a slightly more potent option. Keep in mind the federal government doesn’t regulate hemp-derived cannabinoids, such as CBD and delta-10 THC. That’s why it’s essential to look up the CBD legal status in your state.

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The Bottom Line: Should You Use Delta-10 THC?

If you’re wary of stronger compounds like delta-9 THC, delta-10 may be a good option that delivers many of the same benefits found in cannabis.

However, be wary of using products that aren’t tested for safety and efficacy by the FDA as they may contain harmful chemicals. If you’re concerned or want to learn more, speak with a cannabis doctor to see if delta-10 THC is right for you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is delta-10 THC safe?

Pure delta-10 is generally considered safe and less psychoactive than its THC counterparts. However, it's essential to know where your products are coming from. Only purchase items from an accredited company with published lab results to ensure products are free from unwanted chemicals and fillers.

Is delta-10 THC legal?

Technically, delta-10 THC is federally legal thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill, as it's primarily derived from hemp. That said, some states have labelled delta-10 illegal, so it's essential to know the individual laws in your state. Some producers in the cannabis industry won't ship to your state if the rules are unclear.

Will delta-10 THC get you high?

Yes, delta-10 will get you high, though like we said, it won't be to the same extent as delta-9 products or the even milder delta-8 THC. Anecdotally, delta-10 THC produces an energizing, focused high without the paranoia or anxiety traditionally that can come with certain Cannabis sativa strains (cultivars).

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