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Get a Delaware Medical Marijuana Card

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The key benefits of a medical marijuana card in Delaware

  • Tax savings

    Save up to 15% in state taxes compared to recreational users. Save up to $270 per year based on $150 monthly spend.

  • Higher possession

    Medical card holders can possess 6 oz of cannabis products, while recreational users can only possess 1 oz.

  • Access to higher quality / more potent products

    Medical patients may have access to higher-potency cannabis products (compared to recreational users).

  • Lower age restriction

    Patients 18+ can qualify for a medical card.

    Minors can also apply for a medical card if they have an approved caregiver.

    Recreational dispensaries are available to residents aged 21+.

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Average monthly spend on cannabis product

Trusted by 1 Million Monthly Users

Get your DE med card approved in minutes.
It’s quick, easy, and convenient.

Getting approved for a Delaware medical marijuana card has never been easier. With our online platform, you can register, consult with a doctor, and receive your certification in just a few minutes. Our process is designed to be quick, easy, and convenient, so you can get the relief you need without the hassle. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, anxiety, or another qualifying condition, our streamlined system ensures you can access medical marijuana swiftly and efficiently.

  1. step register

    1. Register Online With Leafwell

    Book an appointment with a certified physician at Leafwell. The medical marijuana certification costs $149.

  2. step doctor

    2. Discuss Medical Marijuana With Your Doctor

    During your appointment, a Leafwell marijuana doctor will ask you questions based on your medical history and provide you with advice and guidance on whether medical marijuana is a good choice for you.

  3. step state

    3. Receive Your Certificate

    Once approved, you will receive your medical marijuana approval email with further instructions. You must register with the Delaware Medical Marijuana Program. The state will contact your Leafwell physician to confirm your details.

  4. step card

    4. Get Your Delaware Medical Card

    Get your MMJ card and start shopping at a dispensary. It can take between one week and 35 days to get a medical marijuana card issued, although they are usually issued within 14 days.

A few more questions about the process?

Watch this video to learn more about getting a medical marijuana card in Delaware.

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How much is a Delaware medical cannabis card?

Delaware medical marijuana patients save more with Leafwell. Get your money back if not approved.

label New with Leafwell Renewal with Leafwell
Medical marijuana certificate$99$99
State application fee$50-$100$50-$100

How to qualify for a Delaware medical cannabis card

To qualify for a Delaware medical marijuana card, patients must be at least 18 years old. A minor or pediatric patient must have parental consent. A medical marijuana patient must also receive a diagnosis for a qualifying medical condition and a written physician certification from a Delaware-licensed MD, DO, APRN, or PA. Finally, patients must apply for a medical marijuana card online or by mail and show proof of Delaware residency. Delaware law lists the following qualifying conditions for a medical cannabis card:

Convenient, Quality Care
When You Need It Most

With Leafwell, you'll be matched up with a highly knowledgeable, empathetic, licensed medical marijuana doctor or provider.

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2 documents needed to apply for a Delaware medical marijuana card

To apply for a medical marijuana card in Delaware, you must follow a few essential steps to ensure your eligibility and successful registration.

  1. Proof of Identity
    A Delaware-issued driver’s license or Delaware state ID card.
  2. Medical Marijuana Recommendation
    Once approved, your Leafwell healthcare provider will confirm your information to the state. If you haven’t already, you must create an account with the Delaware Medical Marijuana Program and complete your medical marijuana card application within 90 days of your physician’s signature.
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Next steps after approval

Congratulations on getting approved for your medical certification.

Per state regulations, you must submit your state application within 90 days of certification.

Here’s a guide to what you need to do next.

  1. Register with the state
    1. Click here to begin.
    2. Click on New Program Participants.
    3. Enter your name and email and create a password.
    4. After completing this one-time registration process and verifying your account via e-mail, you can log in.
  2. Log In
    1. Log in using the e-mail address and password you established during the registration process.
    2. Select Patient Application under the Applications tab.
    3. Upload a photo of yourself.
    4. Fill in all the necessary boxes including driver’s license/state ID information.
  3. Fill in the Patient Release Request Form
    1. Fill in your name, qualifying condition, and Physician’s information:
      1. Hazel Bluestein – 625 Clark Ave, King of Prussia, PA 19406
      2. Joel Durinka – 500 Seneca St, Unit 4-22, Buffalo, NY 14204
      3. Gavin Moreland – 3300 Bee Cave Rd, Suite 650 #1105, Austin, TX 78746
      4. Michael Palmer – 7 Marian Dr, W. Windsor, NJ 08550
    2. Date and electronically or manually sign.
  4. OPTIONAL: Fill out Caregiver Authorization form if applicable
    1. The caregiver is required to do a State and Federal background check which is good for three years.
    2. The caregiver must fill out a separate application.
  5. Fees
    1. The patient application fee is $50 for one year, $75 for two years, or $100 for three years.
    2. The caregiver application fee is $50.
  6. Patient’s Attestation Statement
    1. Read the statement and select the radio button to confirm each of the additional statements.
    2. Click ‘+Upload’ to upload a copy of your identification.
    3. Once all sections are complete, review the application, sign/date the application, and click ‘Save’ to save and transmit the application.

Please note: You have 90 days from the date of your certification to complete the state application. Failure to do so may result in additional fees.

How to renew your Delaware medical marijuana card

Delaware State Process

Congratulations on being approved for your renewal by a Leafwell physician.

The renewal process is exactly the same as when you applied as a new patient but we’ve put together this guide anyway. You can renew your card in Delaware up to 90 days before your existing card expires.

Here’s what you need to do next:

  1. Log In –
    1. Log in using the e-mail address and password you established during the registration process last time.
    2. Select Patient Application under Applications tab
    3. Fill in all the necessary boxes including Delaware state ID information.
  2. Fill in the Patient Release Request Form
    1. Fill in your name, qualifying condition, and Physician’s information:
      1. Hazel Bluestein – 625 Clark Ave, King of Prussia, PA 19406
      2. Joel Durinka – 500 Seneca St, Unit 4-22, Buffalo, NY 14204
      3. Gavin Moreland – 3300 Bee Cave Rd, Suite 650 #1105, Austin, TX 78746
      4. Michael Palmer – 7 Marian Dr, W. Windsor, NJ 08550
    2. Date and electronically or manually sign.
  3. OPTIONAL: Fill out Caregiver Authorization form if applicable
    1. The caregiver is required to do a State and Federal background check which is good for three years.
    2. The caregiver must fill out a separate application.
  4. Fees
    1. The patient application fee is $50 for one year, $75 for two years, or $100 for three years.
    2. The caregiver application fee is $50.00.
  5. Patient’s Attestation Statement
    1. Read the statement and select the radio button to confirm each of the additional statements.
    2. Click ‘+Upload’ to upload a copy of your identification.
    3. Once all sections are complete, review the application, sign/date the application, and click ‘Save’ to save and transmit the application.

Next steps after renewal

Delaware State Process

Congratulations on being approved for your renewal by a Leafwell physician.

The renewal process is exactly the same as when you applied as a new patient but we’ve put together this guide anyway. You can renew your card in Delaware up to 90 days before your existing card expires.

Here’s what you need to do next:

  1. Log In
    1. Log in using the e-mail address and password you established during the registration process last time.
    2. Select Patient Application under Applications tab
    3. Fill in all the necessary boxes including Delaware state ID information.
  2. Fill in the Patient Release Request Form
    1. Fill in your name, qualifying condition, and Physician’s information:
      1. Hazel Bluestein – 625 Clark Ave, King of Prussia, PA 19406
      2. Joel Durinka – 500 Seneca St, Unit 4-22, Buffalo, NY 14204
      3. Gavin Moreland – 3300 Bee Cave Rd, Suite 650 #1105, Austin, TX 78746
      4. Michael Palmer – 7 Marian Dr, W. Windsor, NJ 08550
    2. Date and electronically or manually sign.
  3. OPTIONAL: Fill out Caregiver Authorization form if applicable
    1. The caregiver is required to do a State and Federal background check which is good for three years.
    2. The caregiver must fill out a separate application.
  4. Fees
    1. The patient application fee is $50 for one year, $75 for two years, or $100 for three years.
    2. The caregiver application fee is $50.00.
  5. Patient’s Attestation Statement
    1. Read the statement and select the radio button to confirm each of the additional statements.
    2. Click ‘+Upload’ to upload a copy of your identification.
    3. Once all sections are complete, review the application, sign/date the application, and click ‘Save’ to save and transmit the application.

Legal limitations for Delaware cardholders

Navigating the legal landscape can be tricky, but we’re here to break it down for you. Here are some key points you should be aware of if you have a medical marijuana ID card in Delaware.

  • Delaware Medical Marijuana Act: The Delaware Medical Marijuana Act legalized cannabis for medical use by Delaware patients with serious medical conditions. It created the state medical cannabis program.
  • Product Choice: A medical cannabis patient can access various products, including flower, edibles, vapes, and concentrates.
  • Medical Cannabis Program Limitations:  Pediatric patients can access medical marijuana, but they must meet more stringent requirements and can only possess oils containing at least 15% CBD and no more than 7% THC. Patients with anxiety diagnoses can obtain a CBD-rich registry card, accessing CBD-dominant strains only.
  • Possession Limits: Medical cannabis patients can possess up to six ounces of marijuana per month. Possession limits for recreational users is slightly different. They are allowed to possess up to one ounce of marijuana.
  • No Cultivation or Reciprocity: Delaware does not accept out-of-state medical marijuana cards or allow marijuana cultivation, even with a medical marijuana card.
  • Recreational Marijuana: Recreational marijuana is legal in Delaware as of April of 2023.
  • Employee Protections: Under the Delaware Medical Marijuana Act, employers may not discriminate against state-licensed medical marijuana patients regarding hiring, terminating, or other conditions of employment. However, this legislation does not necessarily apply to federal employees because cannabis is still considered illegal and a Schedule 1 controlled substance under federal law.
  • Telehealth is Permitted: Patients may get certified for MMJ through telehealth services like Leafwell.
  • Hemp Derivatives: Hemp-derived CBD is legal, but psychoactive hemp derivatives like delta-8 THC are not.

How to become a caregiver in Delaware

A designated caregiver is a person who is selected by a qualifying patient as the person authorized, on the patient’s behalf, to possess, obtain from an authorized dispensary, dispense, and assist in the administration of medical marijuana.

Minor patients will require a caregiver, but Leafwell is unable to see minors in Delaware at this time.

Caregivers must apply for a registry card and obtain a state and federal background check, which costs $65 and is valid for three years.

Applicants must meet the following qualifications to qualify for a designated caregiver card:

  • Be 21 or older or a minor patient’s parent or legal guardian.
  • Have not been convicted of an excluded felony offense.
  • Have agreed to assist with a patient’s medical use of marijuana and assist no more than five qualifying patients.
  • Be a Delaware resident with proof of residency (Delaware driver’s license or state ID).
  • Complete the Designated Caregiver Application, which requires the patient’s 10-digit registry number. The application fee is $50 and non-refundable.

A caregiver may have up to five patients and must have an ID for each patient.

Can I use my Delaware medical card in other states?

Delaware has medical marijuana reciprocity agreements with other states, meaning out-of-state cardholders can purchase from dispensaries while visiting.

And if you’re a Delaware resident traveling elsewhere, the following states and territories will accept or recognize out-of-state medical marijuana cards:

  • Arizona
  • Arkansas *
  • Hawaii *
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Michigan (at the dispensary’s discretion)
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey *
  • New Mexico
  • Oklahoma *
  • Puerto Rico
  • Rhode Island
  • U.S. Virgin Islands *
  • Utah * (up to two 21-day periods in a calendar year)
  • Washington, D.C.

*Visitors must complete a visiting patient application with the state program.

Minor medical marijuana patient information

Minors must be seen by a pediatric specialist (pediatric neurologist, pediatric gastroenterologist, pediatric oncologist, pediatric psychiatrist, developmental pediatrician, or pediatric palliative care specialist). Leafwell cannot currently see minor patients in Delaware.


Can I apply for my medical marijuana card online in Delaware?

Telemedicine for medical cannabis is legal in Delaware. You can register with Leafwell to get certified by a licensed healthcare provider for a medical marijuana card.

Can I renew my Delaware medical marijuana card online?

Yes, Leafwell can help you renew your medical marijuana certificate and card. If you’re a returning patient, all your information is stored in our HIPAA-compliant platform, and the process is quick and easy.

How often do I need to renew my Delaware medical marijuana card?

Delaware medical marijuana certificates are valid until your state card expires (one, two, or three years) and can be renewed online. We recommend renewing 60 days before your expiration date to avoid a lapse in coverage and limit any lost time on your current card.

What are the medical marijuana laws in Delaware?

  • 2011 – Governor Jack Markell signed legislation allowing patients 18 and older with "certain serious or debilitating conditions" to use cannabis, and possess up to six ounces. Qualifying conditions include "cancer; Alzheimer’s disease; post-traumatic stress disorder; and conditions that cause intractable nausea, severe pain or seizures, among other illnesses." The card must be renewed once a year.
  • 2015 – Governor Markell signs legislation decriminalizing the possession of one ounce or less of marijuana by adults. Possession of cannabis by those aged under 21 is still considered illegal.
  • 2017 – Legalization efforts and proposals are put under way for legalized recreational use of cannabis. State Representative Helene Keeley is one such figure who proposed recreational legalization, but this proposal failed to receive the number of votes required to pass.
  • 2020 – State Representative Ed Osienski  attempts to get a bill passed during the 2020 general assembly session, but fails due to a lack of votes and because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 2021 – Osienski re-works bill drafted in 2020 to introduce it during the 2021 Legislative Session. Some of those changes included adding a ‘social equity’ and micro business license, where Osienski states "they’ll get some additional help with applying and some reduction in fees."

Can I go to a dispensary without a card in Delaware?

Yes. Cannabis is legal to possess and purchase from a licensed dispensary for those aged 21 or over.

How long does it take to get a marijuana card in Delaware?

Once the state receives the application, it can take between two and four weeks for you to receive your card.

Can I get a medical card for anxiety in Delaware?

Yes. However, for those who qualify for a medical card with anxiety in Delaware, a specific registry card identifying them as ‘CBD-rich’ patients is required. This limits patients to CBD-rich, low-THC products and varieties.

Can I buy a gun in Delaware if I have a medical marijuana card?

It's not legal to have a medical marijuana card and gun license at the same time, and so having both may mean prosecution by federal law.

Are gummies legal in Delaware?

Yes, THC gummies are legal to purchase in Delaware. Adults who are 21 and older are allowed to possess products with 750 grams or less of delta-9 THC.

Is it legal to smoke in Delaware?

It's legal to smoke cannabis on your own private residence in Delaware. Smoking of any type is prohibited in all government and private workplaces, schools, childcare facilities, restaurants, bars, casinos/gaming establishments, retail stores, and recreational/cultural facilities. This is according to Delaware's Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA).