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The African Cannabis strain is a purebred landrace strain (variety). It is a pure sativa with 10% THC and little CBD content. “African” is usually a blanket term for any cannabis from Africa, such as Durban Poison, Malawi Gold, Swazi Gold, Swazi Redbeard, Kilimanjaro, Angola Gold, and many others.

t is a popular group of strains for daytime use due to its energizing, euphoric effects, which could make them helpful in managing stress, anxiety, fatigue, and depression. Although African cannabis varieties can be difficult to grow, growers who are up to the challenge can achieve a high yield and a plant with unique chemical characteristics.

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Strain types

  • 0%Indica
  • 100%Sativa


  • Gas
  • Earthy


  • Herbal
  • Spicy
  • Pepper
  • Pungent
  • Sweet


One of African cannabis’ dominant terpenes is beta-caryophyllene which has been shown to have multiple health benefits, including reducing inflammation after COVID-19. Another dominant terpene found in African cannabis is humulene.

  • Beta-Caryophyllene

  • Humulene



Africans has been reported to have the following effects:

  • Creativity
  • Arousing
  • Euphoria
  • Tingly
  • Energizing

The following adverse effects have also been reported:

  • Dry Mouth
  • Dry Eyes

People who use African cannabis strains tend to report experiencing an energizing, uplifting high. This is ideal for the socially anxious as it can make you chatty, bring you out of your shell, and enjoy the company of others when dosed appropriately. Fear not if you are alone – users also report increased creativity when using this strain.

Many also report an increased appetite, so stock up on snacks if you want to use African cannabis strains. Some common side effects in many cannabis strains include dry mouth and eyes, which can usually be avoided by staying hydrated.

Medical Applications

Like other types of cannabis, African varieties have the potential for many therapeutic applications. Compounds in cannabis have been known to be analgesics, making this strain ideal for people experiencing chronic pain conditions. Other compounds in cannabis, including African varieties, have been found to reduce inflammation effectively. This may make these strains useful for people experiencing inflammatory health conditions such as arthritis.
closeup of marijuana bud
chronic pain

Cannabis contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic compounds that can help reduce or distract from pain, including THC, CBD, and beta-caryophyllene.

Organ Systems

  • Skeletal
  • Brain & Nervous System
  • Muscular

THC, CBD, and beta-caryophyllene have anti-inflammatory effects that can help reduce joint pain and stiffness.

Organ Systems

  • Muscular



African cannabis varieties have adapted to grow in African climates; therefore, they tend to thrive in hot climates with low humidity. This may be challenging to achieve, especially for novice growers, and this makes it a group of strains that are best tackled by people with some experience growing cannabis. However, if successful, the African strain produces above-average yields. Its flowering period can vary depending on the plant’s genetics, but expect anything between eight and 14 weeks. African cannabis varieties produce leafy and bright green buds with tiny orange hairs.

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Like other sativas, the African Cannabis strain can grow upwards of 8 feet. If you decide to grow this strain indoors, it may be ideal to trim the plant’s tops to limit its height. In ideal outdoor climates, the African strain will grow very tall.

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Humidity and Temperature

African cannabis is from Africa, so it requires hot, dry climates to thrive, and this is usually what makes growing African cannabis genetics so challenging. This strain must be grown in relatively low humidity in either hot climates or temperature-controlled systems, and high humidity is the number one killer of African cannabis strains.

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Flowering time can vary with African cannabis, lasting between eight and 14 weeks, depending on the phenotype. Outdoors in the Northern Hemisphere, African cannabis varieties should flower around mid-October, depending on the climate in which it is grown. After it flowers, it will produce a respectable yield of around 14 ounces per plant when grown outdoors and 12 ounces per square meter when grown indoors.