Is Marijuana Legal in Bangladesh?
Last updated on Oct 7, 2024
Created on Aug 10, 2023

Article written by

Jordan WoldSEO Content Writer
Marijuana is illegal in Bangladesh for both recreational and medical purposes.
Not only is recreational marijuana unlikely to be legalized in Bangladesh anytime soon, but medical marijuana appears equally unlikely to be permitted in the near future.
H2: Medical Marijuana Laws in Bangladesh
Cannabis laws in Bangladesh are primarily dictated by the language of the Narcotics Control Act, which was first introduced in 1990 and has been subsequently updated several times, most recently in 2018.
Under all current laws in Bangladesh, marijuana is strictly prohibited, including but not limited to cannabis possession for personal use and medicinal purposes.
What to Know About About Medical Cannabis in Bangladesh
The most important thing to know about medical cannabis in Bangladesh is that legally speaking, there is no such thing.
While many nations are moving towards establishing medical cannabis programs, recreational marijuana sales, or even simply decriminalizing cannabis for personal use, Bangladesh is going quite hard in the other direction.
While the broad strokes of the law are as straightforward as they are harsh, more context can be provided for those seeking a more complex understanding of cannabis laws in Bangladesh.
Punishments Are Getting Harsher
In a 2018 update to the Narcotics Control Act, the Bangladeshi government made its intentions clear to continue to penalize drug use and possession of any kind with extreme punishments.
Most notably, the updated Narcotics Control Act introduced the possibility of the death penalty for some drug charges. The death penalty seems mostly reserved for crimes relating to Yaba (a form of methamphetamine).
All of this indicates that cannabis activists have their work cut out for them in Bangladesh, as the government has yet to show any significant signs of leniency or a willingness to change cannabis laws.
Cannabis Has Rich Medical History in the Region
Despite cannabis’s illicit status in Bangladesh, cannabis has a long and storied history in Bangladesh, particularly regarding its application for medical purposes.
A 2021 study focusing on folk medicine practitioners explored the nation’s past and current history of using cannabis plants to treat medical conditions.
The study noted several incidents of cannabis being used for prevalent health problems in the country, like respiratory issues, as well as for sleep, chronic pain, and many other medical conditions.
Even though this study shows that cannabis has helped many people in Bangladesh treat or live with health conditions, it is worth noting again that there does not appear to be any chance of marijuana legalization anytime soon.
CBD Is Also Illegal
There is no legal distinction between cannabidiol (CBD) and marijuana in Bangladesh. As such, CBD is illegal in the country.
Can You Grow Cannabis In Bangladesh?
No, you cannot grow cannabis in Bangladesh. And due to the harsh penalties incurred if caught with cannabis, you should not take the risk.
The Bottom Line
All forms of marijuana are highly illegal in Bangladesh. Perhaps someday, Bangladesh will start to notice the many benefits of having a legal marijuana industry.
Until then, however, you would be taking a substantial financial risk by cultivating or purchasing cannabis in Bangladesh.