I care about sharing my passion for and knowledge of cannabis with others and hope to use my talents to help reshape the narrative around marijuana use.
Jordan Wold
SEO Content Writer
Get your medical card online in minutes!
Get started I care about sharing my passion for and knowledge of cannabis with others and hope to use my talents to help reshape the narrative around marijuana use.
Jordan Wold
SEO Content Writer
Jordan has nearly a decade of writing experience for a variety of outlets like Funny or Die, Gogo Concourse, Long Island Pulse, and more. He has written extensively about film, television, gaming, and music, as well as travel and lifestyle. He also has extensive screenwriting and podcasting experience.
Jordan received his bachelor’s degree from Emerson College. With a degree in Film and Television production, Jordan chose to specialize in Writing for Film and Television. While at Emerson, Jordan was a member of several on-campus groups, including serving as a member and later president of a campus sketch comedy group and writing for several shows on The Emerson Channel.
Leafwell connects you to a licensed physician in your state to get you certified for medical cannabis.