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Cannabis for Ovarian Cancer


Last updated on Oct 7, 2024

Created on Jan 4, 2022

Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that affects the ovaries, and is the fifth most common type of cancer affecting women in the US. Stomach pain, a constant feeling of fullness or bloating, and a swollen stomach. As of 2021, about 13,770 women will die from ovarian cancer.

There is some lab evidence that cannabinoids can help destroy ovarian cancer cells. In one case study, a combination of Laetrile (vitamin B17) and cannabidiol (CBD) oil showed a “dramatic decrease in her [the patient’s] disease burden.” Now, this is not definitive evidence, and the efficacy of Laetrile is certainly up for debate, but there is some positive news for those needing CBD for ovarian cancer treatment.

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Research Overview

Animal Study


Double Blind Clinical Trial


Laboratory Study




Total studies

Ovarian Cancer



21 studies



4 studies


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