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Is Cannabis Legal in Montenegro?


Last updated on Oct 7, 2024

Created on Aug 24, 2023

Montenegro flag with a hand holding a marijuana infront of it

Cannabis is fully illegal in the small country of Montenegro. However, using marijuana in Montenegro is a misdemeanor subject to less severe penalties than distributing the drug.

Personal possession and use of cannabis in Montenegro may lead to maximum fines of 2,000 euros and up to 30 days imprisonment.

On the other hand, the cannabis laws in Montenegro are very strict if you intend to distribute the drug. Marijuana possession with the intent to distribute it could result in a prison sentence of 10 years or more.

Drug smuggling from neighboring Albania is common, so trafficking laws are severe in Montenegro. Montenegrin law does not differentiate between the drug trafficking of cannabis and more addictive drugs like cocaine and heroin.

What Are the Medical Marijuana Laws in Montenegro?

Medical marijuana is prohibited in Montenegro. The Balkan country does not have a medical cannabis program in which marijuana may be used for medical purposes.

In 2014, policymakers in Montenegro decided against legalizing medical marijuana. Since then, there have been no further government efforts to make the medical use of marijuana legal in Montenegro.

It is illegal to grow and cultivate cannabis plants in Montenegro.

Where Is It Safe to Purchase Cannabis in Montenegro?

The sale and purchase of cannabis are illegal throughout Montenegro.

Where Is It Safe To Consume Marijuana in Montenegro?

Despite the illegal status of cannabis in Montenegro, the recreational use of marijuana is popular among the general population.

People may be able to enjoy cannabis in their homes safely but should be aware that doing so violates the drug use laws in Montenegro.