Is Marijuana Legal in Bahrain?
Last updated on Oct 7, 2024
Created on Jul 12, 2023
Article written by

Emma Stone
Marijuana and its derivatives, such as CBD oil, are illegal in Bahrain for medical or recreational purposes. Although the Kingdom of Bahrain is considered a socially liberal state, the Middle Eastern nation nonetheless upholds a strict stance against illegal narcotic substances.
Individuals with even small quantities of weed may be subject to harsh penalties such as heavy fines and prison time. Those found trafficking narcotic substances may even be sentenced to the death penalty.
Marijuana Laws in Bahrain
Cannabis is defined as a Schedule I narcotic substance according to Bahraini law. Law Number 15, passed in 2007, regulates the possession of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The possession, consumption, cultivation, importation, exportation, manufacture, or transfer of illicit narcotic substances, including weed, is illegal in Bahrain, with severe punishment for those who transgress the law.
Bahrain monitors illicit drug activity very closely. As one of the most heavily policed states in the world, the Middle Eastern nation has crime units that target drug trafficking.
According to Law 15/2007, individuals found guilty of committing the above acts, and even those found guilty of intending to carry out the above acts may face a fine of up to 50,000 dinars (i.e., BD 50,000), lifetime imprisonment, or even receive the death penalty.
Bahraini drug laws stipulate stricter penalties for those who re-offend, public officials implicated in drug trafficking, individuals who use minors to traffick drugs, and those who collaborate with international gangs to smuggle drugs in or out of Bahraini borders.
The law states that these individuals will receive the death penalty and a fine of up to 50,000 dinars (BD 50,000). These penalties are designed to discourage foreign criminal groups that operate on Bahraini territory that are influential in drug trafficking.
There’s no current indication that Bahrain will change or soften its stance toward cannabis anytime soon. Individuals considering traveling to Bahrain should be aware that even skin care products containing CBD oil may be considered illicit. Experts recommend that those traveling to the Gulf state taking prescription medication should seek authorization from Bahraini authorities before travel.
What To Know About Cannabis In Bahrain
If you’re considering traveling to Bahrain, knowing that the Gulf state actively monitors its borders is important. Since 2014, Bahrain has committed to curbing the flow of drugs through its territory and severely punishes those who bring cannabis into the country.
Individuals Trafficking Weed Sentenced Harshly
In April 2023, a woman from Cameroon was sentenced to 10 years in prison and given a BD 5,000 fine for concealing a kilogram of weed in dried herbs and shrimp. The woman was found to belong to a network operating inside Bahrain that trafficked drugs and distributed them within the country.
In 2022, a Bahraini citizen was sentenced to death for bringing 50 kilograms of hashish from Iran with the intention of selling it in Bahrain.
Most Weed in Bahrain Comes From Neighboring States
Cannabis largely enters the Kingdom of Bahrain from neighboring Middle Eastern states, such as Saudi Arabia or Iran. Cannabis arriving from Saudi Arabia tends to be trafficked by Saudi or Bahrain individuals in small networks, while cannabis originating from Iran arrives in Bahrain via more extensive, organized foreign networks.
In February 2014, the Minister of the Interior of Bahrain and the executive director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to target the transit and trafficking of illicit drugs. Gulf countries like Bahrain are vulnerable to drug trafficking as smugglers move narcotics between ports in West Asia and the Gulf region.
Can You Grow Cannabis in Bahrain?
Bahraini law clearly states that planting, importing, or exporting an illicit plant at any phase of its growth, including in seed form, is illegal.
Beyond the illegality of growing cannabis in Bahrain, the geographical conditions of the island render it difficult to grow there. Most of Bahrain is covered in rocky limestone and dunes of sand and salt.
With little rainfall, the island is not well-suited to cannabis cultivation. Those who endeavor to cultivate cannabis illicitly in Bahrain usually do so in their home.
In recent years, the media has reported on several cases of Bahraini citizens convicted of cannabis cultivation. In 2014, a 24-year-old Bahraini citizen was sentenced to 12 months in prison and BD 1,000 fine for possessing, using, and growing cannabis plants for personal use at his home. In March 2022, the Bahraini High Criminal Court sentenced a man to 15 years for planting cannabis at his house and intending to sell weed.
The Bottom Line
Medical marijuana and recreational marijuana are both illegal in the Kingdom of Bahrain, with severe punishment given to those found guilty of marijuana possession, cultivation, manufacture, or commerce.
The Middle Eastern nation is one of the strictest countries in the world for policing cannabis, with long prison sentences and even the death penalty for individuals found guilty of cannabis-related crimes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is cannabis legal for medical purposes in Bahrain?
Bahrain’s laws identify cannabis as a Schedule I illicit substance, precluding it from medical or recreational use. There is no medical cannabis program in place in Bahrain and no indication from the Bahraini government that medical cannabis will become legal in the near future.
What are the penalties for marijuana use in Bahrain?
Bahrain has harsh penalties for those guilty of growing, producing, selling, or trafficking illicit narcotic drugs such as cocaine or cannabis. Individuals found guilty of marijuana possession may receive heavy fines or jail time. Those found guilty of trafficking or selling weed may receive life imprisonment or the death penalty.
Is cannabis legal in any Middle Eastern countries?
Cannabis is illegal for recreational and medical use in most Middle Eastern countries, except Lebanon, which legalized the cultivation and production of medicinal marijuana products in 2020, and Isreal, which legalized medical cannabis in the 1990s. More recently, the United Arab Emirates eased its drug laws, relaxing prison penalties for travelers who bring THC into the country but still confiscate illicit products.
Is hemp or CBD legal in Bahrain?
No distinction is made between cannabis and CBD or hemp under Bahrain law. Even low- or no-THC, CBD-only products may be considered illegal in Bahrain.