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Dipak Hemraj

Medical Cannabis Researcher
Dipak Hemraj

I wish to help educate the public on why cannabis is medicine.

Dipak Hemraj

Medical Cannabis Researcher

About Dipak


  • BA English Studies, Oxford Brookes University: 1st Class Honors

Past Positions

  • Science Writer, SEO Strategist, Research Lead – Leafwell
  • Science Writer, SEO Strategist – Self-Employed
  • Copywriter, SEO Strategist – Render Positive



With over two decades of experience in the cannabis industry and a background in digital marketing and content writing, Dipak has been a driving force behind Leafwell since its official launch in 2019. His collaboration with Emily Fisher and Miguel Marinhas, however, began years earlier, united by a shared vision: to illuminate the therapeutic potential of cannabis through the lens of patients’ experiences. Together, they identified critical gaps in the accessibility of medical cannabis, the scientific understanding of its efficacy for individuals with complex health conditions (often excluded from clinical trials), and the broader need for evidence-based insights into the plant’s medical uses.

Recognizing telehealth as a transformative opportunity, they sought not only to enhance access to medical cannabis but also to address pressing questions about its real-world applications. What impact does medical cannabis have on patients’ lives? What conditions or symptoms do patients treat with it, and how effective is it? How does cannabis interact with other medications and treatments? And what types of products do patients rely on?

From the outset, Dipak has been committed to demystifying medical cannabis and exploring its remarkable therapeutic properties. Cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids provide a wide array of health benefits—analgesic, anxiolytic, antiemetic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and more—positioning cannabis as a “pharmacy in a plant.”

Through Leafwell, Dipak has played a pivotal role in building a platform dedicated to answering these essential questions and advancing the understanding of cannabis’s medicinal potential. The positive impact on patients’ lives and contributions to the growing body of cannabis research stand as testaments to their work. The mission continues as Dipak and the team strive to represent patients’ needs, drive scientific discovery, and enhance accessibility to this extraordinary plant.


  • Doucette ML, Hemraj D, Bruce D, Fisher E, Macfarlan DL. Medical Cannabis Patients Under the Age of 21 in the United States: Description of Demographics and Conditions from a Large Patient Database, 2019-2023. AHMT. 2024;15:63-72. doi:10.2147/AHMT.S460560
  • Doucette ML, Hemraj D, Fisher E, Macfarlan DL. Measuring the Impact of Medical Cannabis Law Adoption on Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Costs: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis, 2003–2022. Appl Health Econ Health Policy. Published online September 17, 2024. doi:10.1007/s40258-024-00913-0
  • Doucette ML, Casarett DJ, Hemraj D, Grelotti DJ, Macfarlan DL, Fisher E. Towards a comprehensive understanding of medical conditions among medical cannabis patients in a large database: A descriptive analysis. Popul Med. 2024;6(September). doi:10.18332/popmed/193943
  • Doucette ML, Hemraj D, Casarett D, Macfarlan DL. Use of cannabis-based medical products for pediatric health conditions: A systematic review of the recent literature. Medical Cannabis & Cannabinoids (E-published December 10th, 20224)


175 Articles written by Dipak Hemraj

About us

Leafwell connects you to a licensed physician in your state to get you certified for medical cannabis.

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