For every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant that is a cure.
Diana Follette
Director of Patient Success
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Get started For every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant that is a cure.
Diana Follette
Director of Patient Success
Diana believes that for every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant that is a cure.
As a cannabis professional and long time advocate, she seeks to not only eradicate the stigma that has plagued the power of cannabis, but also open the flood gates to more holistic treatments and fuel a societal transgression towards earth consciousness and natural living.
A California native, backed with a decade of SaaS industry management experience, Diana proactively works to enhance the patient journey at Leafwell. She finds satisfaction in being part of a team, ingrained in the cannabis movement, that is setting a global precedence in customer care and education.
Leafwell connects you to a licensed physician in your state to get you certified for medical cannabis.