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Is Marijuana Legal in The Republic of Benin?


Last updated on Oct 7, 2024

Created on Aug 8, 2023

The Republic of Benin flag with a hand holding a marijuana infront of it

Marijuana is illegal in The Republic of Benin for recreational and medicinal purposes. While cannabis legalization is gaining popularity and, in many countries, is being implemented worldwide, this has not been the case in West Africa.

If you plan on visiting The Republic of Benin, you should not take the risk of buying or bringing cannabis to the country.

The cultivation, sale, possession, and distribution of cannabis or its extracts are illegal in The Republic of Benin, and little information could be found regarding low-THC or THC-free hemp.

Most signs point to CBD and hemp-derived cannabidiol products also being illegal.

Medical Marijuana Laws in The Republic of Benin

The Republic of Benin, also known as Benin, prohibits marijuana in all contexts. Although many of the medical benefits of cannabis are clear, so are the laws. And right now, there is no way for those who would be medical marijuana patients to purchase medical or recreational marijuana legally.

What to Know About About Medical Cannabis in The Republic of Benin

The primary thing you need to know about medical cannabis in The Republic of Benin is that it is not allowed under the nation’s current laws.

Beyond that, however, there are a few other pieces of information regarding marijuana in Benin that could be useful for you to know.

Law Enforcement Takes Cannabis Prohibition Seriously

While we sometimes see a fairly blunt difference between what federal law claims to be the law of the land and what law enforcement enforces, there does not appear to be a conflict in Benin.

While street cannabis does seem to be widely available in cities like Cotonu, arrests are also frequent.

Between 2013 and 2017, over 10 tons of marijuana were obtained by law enforcement, in conjunction with 100 arrests in Cotonou alone.

Even if arrests in Benin are less frequent than in certain parts of the United States where marijuana is still illegal, it is evident that even simple possession could get you in serious legal trouble in The Republic of Benin.

Cannabis Legalization Could Benefit Benin

Government officials who favor ending cannabis prohibition often tout the positive economic benefits of legalizing cannabis.

These impacts should not be understated but should not necessarily be seen as reason enough for legalization. Thankfully, the marijuana industry could have impacts beyond simply boosting the economy.

Public health is one area in particular where cannabis might serve the citizens of Benin. Studies show cannabis is quite popular in Benin, especially among young people.

While cannabis can harm developing brains outside of medical use, the same study indicating marijuana’s popularity noted that many young people had been seeking treatment for medical conditions before trying cannabis.

When the only market available is an illegal one, however, many people who might use cannabis only for medical purposes in a different context end up consuming cannabis in conjunction with tobacco products like shisha (which is particularly popular) or alongside cocaine and alcohol.

With a tightly regulated medical marijuana industry, Benin may be able to reduce the use of certain illicit drugs and reframe the public perception of cannabis entirely.

Can You Grow Cannabis In The Republic of Benin?

No, you cannot grow cannabis in The Republic of Benin, as cannabis is entirely illegal in the country.

The Bottom Line

Marijuana legalization remains rare in West Africa, with Morocco being the only west-African nation to make significant strides in this area, having legalized medical marijuana in 2021.

The Republic of Benin has yet to legalize either medical or recreational marijuana. The potential benefits of medical legalization are evident.

At the same time, it is also evident that law enforcement in Benin takes cannabis possession seriously, and it is not worth the risk at this time.