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Is Marijuana Legal in Slovakia?

Slovakia flag with a hand holding a marijuana infront of it

Cannabis is illegal in Slovakia, and violating the drug laws of the Slovak Republic may result in steep fines and prison time.

Possessing even a single joint of marijuana (approximately 0.5 grams) in Slovakia is punishable by up to eight years in prison.

As of 2021, hemp-based CBD products are permitted to be sold and consumed in Slovakia. This legal status of CBD is notable as Slovakia was the last country in the European Union to legalize CBD products.

What Are the Medical Marijuana Laws in Slovakia?

Slovakia does not have a medical marijuana program, and the medical use of cannabis is illegal throughout the country.

The Slovak Criminal Code stipulates that growing, importing, or selling recreational cannabis in Slovakia is punishable by 3-10 years imprisonment. In some cases, people who cultivate cannabis plants in Slovakia could face 20 years in prison.

However, the Slovak Ministry of Health may grant permission to certain entities for the industrial growth of cannabis.

Where Is It Safe to Purchase Cannabis in Slovakia?

Purchasing cannabis in Slovakia is illegal, and harsh penalties exist for people who violate the law.

Where Is It Safe To Consume Marijuana in Slovakia?

Slovakia’s cannabis laws are among the most restrictive in Europe, and marijuana use is strictly prohibited throughout the country.