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Is Marijuana Legal in San Marino?


Last updated on Oct 7, 2024

Created on Aug 14, 2023

San Marino flag with cannabis in front of it

Recreational marijuana use is currently illegal in San Marino. However, cannabis, for some medical purposes, is legal.

The penalty for illicit possession, use, importing, exporting, or trafficking of narcotic substances is three to eight years in prison and a fine in San Marino.

While cannabis is not a narcotic, there is nothing clearly stating the classification and penalties for cannabis.

Essentially, this means that currently, San Marino does not distinguish between light and heavy drugs — so if you are caught using it recreationally, you could experience some significant punishments.

What Are the Medical Marijuana Laws in San Marino?

The medical marijuana laws in San Marino are not clearly outlined. Currently, we know that the medical use of marijuana is legal but with some restrictions.

For example, Sativex, a mouth spray with extracts from the cannabis plant, is provided free of charge for patients suffering from pain due to multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries.

But the government has not explicitly outlined what other cannabis-containing pharmaceutical products are approved and available.

How Much Cannabis Can I Possess in San Marino with an MMJ Card?

With an MMJ card, you may be able to obtain some cannabis for medicinal purposes. It is unclear how much you can possess, so your best bet is to talk to a local doctor to understand the legal restrictions.

How Do I Get Certified for Medical Cannabis in San Marino?

To get your certification for medicinal cannabis, you will need to see a local specialist. It is unclear which conditions can get certified.

Multiple sclerosis and certain spinal cord injuries currently qualify for medicinal cannabis use.

Is Telemedicine Allowed for Medical Cannabis Consultations in San Marino?

It is unclear if telemedicine appointments are sufficient for obtaining a medical marijuana prescription in San Marino. Telemedicine is typically reserved for conditions including the common cold and allergies.

In the United States, telemedicine is now allowed for medical cannabis consultations in certain states, but this is not clearly outlined in San Marino.

Many substances require at least one in-person consultation before providing an online prescription.

Are There Any Employment Laws Protecting Medical Cannabis Cardholders in San Marino?

No clear report suggests that medical marijuana cardholders in San Marino are protected.

This may change as medicinal cannabis usage grows, putting more pressure in place to regulate and safeguard employees obtaining medicinal cannabis.

What Are the Medical Cannabis Product Testing Requirements in San Marino?

San Marino has not issued clear reports on the testing requirements for medicinal cannabis products.

Currently, it is illegal to grow cannabis plants in San Marino. Medicinal cannabis can only be acquired from approved pharmaceutical products.

Where Is It Safe to Purchase Cannabis in San Marino?

It is not safe to purchase cannabis for recreational purposes. Medicinal cannabis can be bought but only through a pharmacy or a government-approved alternative.

Where Is It Safe to Consume Marijuana in San Marino?

Consuming marijuana is only safe if it is through a product approved by the government and obtained from a doctor.

It is unclear where you can consume legally supplied cannabis in San Marino; however, you are likely safest consuming it in your own home.

Recreational use anywhere is illegal, but there aren’t any clear laws regulating the places of consumption for medicinal marijuana.

It’s best to use common sense, consume out of public sight, and try to keep your consumption discreet where possible.

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