Is Marijuana Legal in Russia?
Last updated on Oct 7, 2024
Created on Aug 18, 2023
Article written by
Meagan MorrisDirector of Content and SEO
Cannabis is illegal in Russia. Unlike many other countries, the possession and use of cannabis in Russia are considered serious crimes. According to their Criminal Code, imprisonment and/or a fine is issued to those possessing cannabis.
Likewise, following Russian administrative law, a fine or short prison sentence of up to two weeks could be issued to offenders if they are found to have up to six grams. Sentences can reach up to three years in prison in more severe cases.
In 2012, a law changed that allowed penalties to be deferred if the offender suffered addiction issues.
What Are the Medical Marijuana Laws in Russia?
The use of cannabis for medical purposes remains illegal in Russia, although some laws are expected to support its use in the future. A new law on narcotic and psychotropic substances was introduced in Russia in July 2019.
This law aimed to partially legalize the cultivation of plants that could later be used to manufacture narcotic and psychoactive substances.
These would be, of course, because they would be used for medical or veterinary use. While the list was expected to expand to include the cultivation of cannabis, such changes have yet to be made. Thus cultivation remains illegal.
How Much Cannabis Can I Possess in Russia with an MMJ Card?
Even with an MMJ card, the possession of cannabis in Russia is illegal. Offenders will still be tried for drug charges, as seen with the Brittney Griner case in July 2022 when the WNBA star from the United States was detained by Russian authorities when two vape cartridges containing hashish oil were found in her luggage at the Moscow Airport.
How Do I Get Certified for Medical Cannabis in Russia?
There is no way to be certified for medical cannabis use in Russia, although industrial use is permitted under strict regulation.
Is Telemedicine Allowed for Medical Cannabis Consultations in Russia?
As medicinal cannabis is illegal in Russia, no practices, such as telemedicine, are authorized to perform medical cannabis consultations.
Are There Any Employment Laws Protecting Medical Cannabis Cardholders in Russia?
There are no laws protecting MMJ cardholders in Russia.
What Are the Medical Cannabis Product Testing Requirements in Russia?
Apart from industrial use, there is no cannabis industry or production of cannabis and, therefore, no testing of cannabis in Russia.
Is It Legal to Grow Cannabis in Russia?
It is illegal to grow cannabis in Russia. Unauthorized manufacturing, delivery, or sale of List I substances and their analogs are punishable according to Article 228.1 of the Russian Criminal Code.
The weight and volume of cannabis and the involvement of an organization are among many factors Russian officials consider when convicting a person.
In Russia, a person caught growing cannabis can face 8-20 years in prison and sometimes a life sentence. More harsh punishments, such as a life sentence, are common in large-scale cases, for example, involving more than 10 kg of cannabis.
Where Is It Safe to Purchase Cannabis in Russia?
Because Russian law states that cannabis is illegal, the only way to obtain it is through a drug dealer. Not only are these methods heavily punished, but cannabis content is also hard to regulate through this method.
Where Is It Safe to Consume Marijuana in Russia?
Given that there are no laws decriminalizing the use of recreational marijuana, there are no safe ways to consume cannabis in Russia.