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Is Cannabis Legal in Luxembourg?

Luxembourg flag with a hand holding a marijuana infront of it

Cannabis is decriminalized but not legal in Luxembourg. Decriminalized since 2001, recreational use of the plant now results in monetary fines rather than imprisonment.

Personal cultivation of up to four cannabis plants at one’s residence has been permitted in Luxembourg since 2021, making the country the first in the European Union to legalize growing marijuana.

Medical cannabis use is also allowed in Luxembourg following a pilot program that Luxembourg’s government launched in 2017.

Medical marijuana has become very popular in Luxembourg, and shortages of cannabis medicine sometimes occur due to its popularity.

What Are the Medical Marijuana Laws in Luxembourg?

Medical marijuana legislation has been evolving in Luxembourg, and the country has signed three U.N. treaties to legalize self-cultivation for recreational or medical purposes.

Yes, it is legal for people to grow up to four cannabis plants on their personal property in Luxembourg.

Where Is It Safe to Purchase Cannabis in Luxembourg?

Recreational cannabis is widely available at nightclubs and bars in Luxembourg, but purchasing it is still illegal. Medical cannabis, however, may only be purchased from authorized hospital pharmacies in Luxembourg.

Where Is It Safe To Consume Marijuana in Luxembourg?

It is safe to consume cannabis products at private residences in Luxembourg.