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Is Marijuana Legal in Hungary?

Hungary flag with a hand holding a marijuana infront of it

Cannabis is fully illegal in Hungary. Cannabis laws in Hungary are as strict as laws for heroin, cocaine, and other illegal drugs. Using marijuana is a criminal offense, whether for medical purposes or recreational.

However, people may not be punished for possessing minimal quantities (up to 1 gram) of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) for personal use.

There are harsh legal consequences for possessing larger amounts of marijuana, as the Hungarian government considers cannabis an illicit drug.

According to Hungarian law, possessing between 12 grams and 100 grams of cannabis is punishable by a prison sentence of up to eight years. The penalty is life imprisonment if someone possesses more than 100 grams of marijuana.

What Are the Medical Marijuana Laws in Hungary?

Hungary does not differentiate between recreational use and medical use marijuana. As such, there is no medical marijuana program in Hungary.

Some people, though, may be able to obtain medicinal cannabis prescriptions for Sativex, a cannabis-based drug used to treat muscle spasms in people with multiple sclerosis. However, getting a doctor’s prescription for Sativex is very difficult in Hungary.

Growing cannabis plants is illegal in Hungary.

Where Is It Safe to Purchase Cannabis in Hungary?

It is illegal to purchase cannabis in Hungary. Cannabis is only approved for research and industrial purposes in this European country.

Where Is It Safe To Consume Marijuana in Hungary?

It is generally unsafe to consume cannabis in Hungary. Using a small amount of marijuana (less than 1 gram of an active substance like THC) at home may be the safest place to consume the plant, but laws are strict, and penalties are steep for people who break Hungary’s drug laws.