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Is Marijuana Legal in Grenada?

Grenada flag with a hand holding a marijuana infront of it

Grenada’s current laws classify cannabis as a narcotic substance and ban its possession and use, regardless of whether it’s for medical or recreational purposes.

However, the Grenada government recently announced its intention to legalize medical marijuana. The bill would The lawmakers expect to finish drafting legislation for Parliament’s approval by the end of 2023, though the bill may require additional revision rounds before it becomes law.

Medical Marijuana Laws in Grenada

Cannabis first arrived in Grenada with indentured workers who traveled from India in the mid-19th century to work on plantations. They used cannabis to brew bhang, which they would drink to relax after long working hours.

The plant remained a part of Grenada’s culture long into the 20th century, where Rastafarian cannabis users helped fight in the country’s socialist 1979 Revolution. However, shortly after the coup, the newly instated People’s Revolution Government (PRG) decided to stamp out marijuana cultivation.

The following years of targeting the cannabis trade eventually resulted in Grenada’s 1992 Drug Abuse Prevention Act, which banned cannabis as a controlled narcotic substance.

Despite the ban, however, marijuana drug use was still widespread throughout Grenada, with nearly 11% of its adult population self-reporting use in 2005. Its high prevalence of use and long history of use makes cannabis possession the most common drug offense on the island.

The early 2010s saw growing discussion around cannabis law reform, especially within the Caricom, an international collective of Caribbean countries. Caricom’s marijuana commission report recommended reformed drug legislation, but in 2014, Grenada government leadership was against the idea.

In 2020, however, things began changing. Government leaders began pushing for Grenada to adopt Caricom’s recommendations on cannabis for medicinal purposes.

Lawmakers presented a bill to Parliament to decriminalize possession of up to 28 grams of marijuana and allow adults to cultivate up to five plants. The proposed legislation also addressed the Rastafarian community regarding the use of cannabis for religious purposes at places of worship.

The bill has not yet passed, as the Parliament dissolved during the June 2022 General Election, but it led to the establishment of a Grenada Cannabis Commission in November of the same year.

This entity is charged with conducting research and presenting guidance on the best path forward toward marijuana legalization and regulation. It aims to provide both medical and recreational guidance by the end of 2023.

What to Know About About Medical Cannabis in Grenada

Cannabis laws differ in every country. To be safe, if you’re planning a visit to Grenada, it is recommended that you leave your cannabis (including CBD) at home, even if you have a medical marijuana card.

Medical Marijuana Will Likely Be Legalized Soon

Parliament has charged the Grenada Cannabis Commission to provide regulatory guidelines for medical marijuana use and the creation of a legal industry by December 2023.

Future Legislation Will Decriminalize Cannabis

An upcoming bill proposes to change cannabis’s legal status by decriminalizing the possession of up to 28 ounces of flower and allowing adults to grow up to five plants for recreational use.

Cannabis Is Currently Illegal

The possession, cultivation, or sale of marijuana is currently illegal in Grenada, despite proposed legislation to change current drug laws. Violation of the Drug Abuse Prevention Act can lead to severe penalties.

Can You Grow Cannabis in Grenada?

It is against the law to cultivate cannabis in Grenada.

The Bottom Line

While promising legal changes lie on the horizon, current law still bans marijuana use in Grenada. Medical and recreational users must wait until the country enacts the necessary changes and puts a regulatory framework in place to legally possess or use cannabis.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is cannabidiol (CBD) legal in Grenada?

It is not clear whether or not Grenada makes a distinction between hemp-derived CBD and psychoactive cannabis. This would suggest that the use, production, sale, and possession of CBD products is illegal in Grenada, although this may change should medical cannabis laws be instituted on the island.

Is hemp legal in Grenada?

As with CBD and other cannabinoids, it seems that Grenada does not make a distinction between non-psychoactive, low-/no-THC hemp and THC-rich cannabis. This would suggest that hemp is also illegal in Grenada.