Is Marijuana Legal in Angola?
Last updated on Oct 7, 2024
Created on Jul 26, 2023

Article written by

Melissa CampbellSEO Content Writer
Marijuana is banned in Angola; therefore, the possession, cultivation, and consumption of cannabis is illegal.
Cannabis derivatives such as CBD are also prohibited, even if the product contains no THC and is derived from industrial hemp.
Medical Marijuana Laws in Angola
Angola is a known drug trafficking hub for cocaine and a transit point for the illicit trade of narcotic drugs from Latin America and African countries such as Nigeria and South Africa.
However, cannabis is the country’s most commercialized and consumed illegal substance.
Angola once had stringent laws regarding drug possession — the death penalty was abolished in 1992. However, prison terms and fines are still applied and can be severe.
Punishment for cannabis possession, use, or cultivation is severe and includes hefty fines and extended jail time. Though, there may be exceptions to this rule.
The rising number of prisoners with mental illness and substance use disorders has led to new laws regarding drug offenses in Angola.
The passage of Article 26 of Law No. 3/99, of 6 August allows for alternative sentencing of drug rehabilitation for those convicted of minor offenses while intoxicated.
Although rehabilitative measures are applied for minor offenses, seeing more severe punishments is not entirely unusual. Those caught with moderate to large quantities of cannabis may still face fines and imprisonment.
What to Know About About Medical Cannabis in Angola
Marijuana, and its derivatives, are banned in Angola; therefore, the possession and use of cannabis are illegal for recreational and medical purposes. Cannabis cultivation is also prohibited.
While marijuana has been legalized in neighboring countries — namely Zimbabwe and Zambia — Angola reaffirmed its stance on the prohibition of marijuana, and other psychotropic substances, at the United Nations Commission on Narcotics and Drugs in 2022.
Can You Grow Cannabis in Angola?
No, it is illegal to grow cannabis in Angola despite its long history with the continent.
Cannabis has been used for centuries in Africa and once grew freely throughout the continent. In Angola, farmers cultivated cannabis as a lucrative cash crop during the height of colonialism.
Marijuana prohibition was initiated in 1913 with marijuana-control laws to discourage cannabis use among colonial soldiers and encourage tobacco cultivation.
By the 1920s, marijuana was banned in Angola and throughout most African colonies.
Although marijuana remains illegal, cannabis cultivation is on the rise.
In recent years, Angolan authorities have made significant attempts to limit the trade and production of marijuana, including numerous raids and the destruction of thousands of marijuana plants.
The Bottom Line
The possession, sale, cultivation, and consumption of cannabis is illegal in Angola — yet it is by far Angola’s most widely cultivated and consumed illicit cash crop.
Cannabis products and derivatives such as CBD are also illegal.
There have been no efforts to legalize marijuana for recreational or medicinal use. Although some African nations have decriminalized marijuana, Angola remains committed to prohibiting all forms of cannabis for personal use.
Despite modern sentencing reforms, drug offenses can incur heavy fines and lengthy prison sentences.