Does Marijuana Interact with NyQuil?
Marijuana should not be used with NyQuil because its two active ingredients, doxylamine, and dextromethorphan, have drug interactions with cannabis.
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Get startedMarijuana should not be used with NyQuil because its two active ingredients, doxylamine, and dextromethorphan, have drug interactions with cannabis.
THC and kratom can relieve pain, but they work by affecting different parts of the brain and body.
White Widow, Sour Diesel, and Cannatonic are shown to be some of the best medical cannabis strains to help treat Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome symptoms.
Cannatonic, Harlequin, ACDC, and OG Kush are shown to be some of the best strains for sinus pressure
Thin Mints, Ringo’s Gift, and OG Kush are three cannabis strains that may help treat GERD symptoms and boost appetite.
Vitamin C isn’t likely to impact marijuana tolerance or any cannabinoid despite social media reports to the contrary.