Cannabis ScienceWhat’s the Difference Between Broad Spectrum CBD and CBD Isolate?Broad-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate contain zero percent THC. However, broad-spectrum contains minor cannabinoids and terpenes, while isolate is pure CBD.
Cannabis ScienceWhat’s the Difference Between Full-Spectrum and Broad-Spectrum CBD?Full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD are two types of CBD extract. The main difference is that full-spectrum has THC, but broad-spectrum doesn’t.
Health & WellnessCBD vs. Melatonin: Which Is Better for Sleep?CBD and melatonin are popular sleep aids but enact their effects on the body via different mechanisms. Which is most effective for supporting sleep?
Cannabis ScienceCBD Oil vs. Tincture: What’s the Difference?The terms ‘CBD oil’ and ‘CBD tincture’ are often used interchangeably, but they’re not the same because they have different bases.
Health & WellnessDoes CBD Affect Progesterone and Estrogen?There’s currently insufficient human data to provide clear conclusions about the effects of CBD on progesterone and estrogen levels.
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Leafwell connects you to a licensed physician in your state to get you certified for medical cannabis.