Is Marijuana Legal in Togo?
Last updated on Oct 7, 2024
Created on Jul 19, 2023

Article written by

Melissa CampbellSEO Content Writer
Medical and recreational marijuana use are both illegal in Togo. Despite this fact, cannabis has become Togo’s largest illicit cash crop, as its lush, tropical landscape is ideal for cannabis cultivation.
Medical Marijuana Laws in Togo
Although it’s the most consumed controlled substance in the continent, the majority of African countries prohibit the use of marijuana for both recreational and medical purposes. Togo is no exception. In addition, the possession, sale, cultivation, and consumption of cannabis derivatives such as cannabidiol (CBD) are also prohibited.
According to Togo’s Drug Control Law No. 98-008, 1998, penalties for the production and cultivation of cannabis oil range from two months to one year in prison. Those caught with additional plant derivatives (including medical CBD) may face a fine and a minimum of six months in prison.
The possession and cultivation of small quantities of cannabis may incur lesser sentences. In some cases, drug treatment is offered in lieu of incarceration. That said, Togo is known to enforce severe penalties for drug violations, particularly for foreign nationals.
Those apprehended for possessing or consuming marijuana could face steep fines and lengthy jail sentences.
What to Know About About Medical Cannabis in Togo
Cannabis has been outlawed in Togo since 1955, and there are no indications that marijuana legalization will occur any time soon. Togo drug laws also prohibit the possession and use of non-prescribed psychotropic drugs such as barbiturates, amphetamines, and tranquilizers.
Can You Grow Cannabis in Togo?
Despite it’s illegality, domestic cultivation has increased in recent years, with marijuana circulating widely among local residents for personal use. Those in violation of this law are subject to penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment.
The Bottom Line
The possession, sale, distribution, cultivation, and consumption of cannabis are illegal in the Togolese Republic. In addition, there is no proposed legislation to authorize marijuana, or any of its derivatives, for recreational or medicinal use. The infringement of Togo’s drug laws may result in severe penalties, including large fines or lengthy prison sentences.